Our Story

Coeur Pur is more than just a brand 

- It’s a way of life -


Coeur Pur was founded in 2020 following what was a difficult year for the world. 2020 tested us all, but also showed us the results that can be achieved by building communities, loving thy neighbour and remaining clean hearted in the face of adversity. Coeur Pur translates to clean heart which we believe is paramount to creating a better society.

As Martin Luther King said “darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”.

 Through our brand, we hope to inspire others to remain clean hearted through life’s challenges. We recognise that it’s easier said than done, so we’re walking the walk too. At Coeur Pur we aim to keep our operations as sustainable and ethical as possible by using natural resources and packaging that is 100% recyclable.

Coeur Pur provides high quality streetwear garments, bringing a purposeful dynamic to the fashion industry.


“A clean heart has no evil”

